Tanker Accident Wreaks Havoc on Area Roads
At approximately 0600hrs the Broomall Fire Co was alerted to a motor vehicle accident involving a tractor trailer at West Chester Pike and I-476. First arriving units located an overturned tanker on the Southbound on ramp from West Chester Pike. Crews immediately began assessing the complexity of the situation and found the full tanker to be leaking gasoline from several damaged areas along the tank. As additional units were requested, the initial task of damming/diverting the product from the storm drains began and safety lines were established.
Throughout the morning additional resources arrived to begin identifying the severity of the spill, while specialized hazardous materials teams worked to control/stop the leak. Specialty environmental services are in the area conducting air monitoring and working to remove product from storm basins near the interchange.
The cause of the accident is under investigation by the PA State Police and the single occupant of the truck was taken by EMS to an area trauma center with non-life threatening injuries.
Additional clean-up and monitoring will take place in the coming days/weeks.
The Broomall Fire Co wishes to thank our mutual aid partners for their extended assistance during this incident:
Radnor, Middletown, Manoa, Brookline, Delaware County Emergency Services, Delco Hazmat, Marple EMS, Marple Police, PA DNCR, Lewis Environmental, K&S Towing, Tommy’s Main Line Towing.
Special thank you to all the fire police units from around the county for assisting and Newtown Square Fire Co. covering several fire calls in Marple Twp. during this incident.