Squad 53 Placed In Service
The Broomall Fire Co. is happy to report Squad 53 was placed in service this past week. Squad 53 is a 2023 Seagrave Marauder with a stainless steel body, 1500gpm Waterous pump, 750gal water tank, and a 25gal foam cell. Other features include a compliment of Holmatro battery and hydraulic rescue tools, high pressure air bag system, struts, oil dry hopper, RIT equipment, and a variety of other tools.
This new truck will replace our existing Squad, a 1984/1994 HME/M&W that has served our community well for decades.
Special thanks to the crew at 10-8 EVS and salesman Jim Shuster. In addition, we’d like to thank Krando Metal Products in Broomall for some last minute equipment alterations and D.f. Apparatus Photos (Dale) for the photographs.