BFC Celebrates 100 Years of Service
Last evening members of the Broomall Fire Company alongside loved ones, elected officials, and mutual aid partners gathered in celebration of 100 years of service to Marple Township at The Ballroom at Ellis Preserve. The dinner celebration brought to close a year long celebration of this monumentious achievement and reflected upon the past, present, and future of our organization and it’s vital role in our community. In addition to speeches, an invocation by Monsignor Kaufman of St. Pius X Parish and several presentations of gifts were given including a custom gavel to President Capuzzi, the 100th Anniversary Flag that flew over our station to Chief Dobbins, and custom metal 100th logos to each member made by Krando Metal Products in Broomall. Proclamations were also presented to President Capuzzi by PA State Represenatives O’Mara & Vitale and another from Marple Township Commissioners Lucas, Longacre, and May.
A special thank you to the members serving on the 100th Anniversary Committee on a job well done and a successful well planned year of celebratory events.
I’m addition, we’d like to thank Fame Fire Co. No. 3 (West Chester FD) for covering our local for the evening!